Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Well we have just recently returned from a few days away at Wonthaggi. I keep reffering to it as camping but Dwayne is quick to jump in and say a cabin in a caravan park is not camping lol. the kids had a ball, swimming, riding bikes, going to the beach and hanging out with their friends. Dwayne and I also had a great time just relaxing. Dwayne did some fishing and ofcourse I squeezed in some shopping. We spent alot of time in the pool which was great for Matilda as she learnt how to swim in deep water!!! We also had some great thunder storms while we down there but followed by some hot muggy days. Hopefully we will make it a regular trip. Dwayne and i are planning on buying a caravan so we can do some more caravaning around victoria.

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Tongue

Declan gave us a nasty fright just over a week ago when he slipped in the bathroom and bit his tongue. The was lots of blood and a loose bit of tongue. I panicked abit and called 000. they sent an ambulance who thought it wasnt bad enough to go to
hospital and that it would heal on its own...Well, I took him to my own doctor a few days later as it didnt look good. She consulted a surgeon who decided over the phone that that sort of tongue lasceration would need stitching . We headed off to the surgeon who booked him the next day to have that tongued sewd back together. I was ever so scared about him being put to sleep but knew it had to be done. Wednesday morning we went off to a very nice private hospital in KEW where Declan we were very quickly seen to. First they slipped Declana seditive and it was quite funny to watch him go from playing with the toys to unable to sit up. It was good though because ofcourse he was more relaxed when it came time to lie on the operating table. I suited up in my gown,, hat and bootie covers before holdiong his hand as he drifted off to sleep. It was a heartbreaking moment as I ocould see his fear but it was quick. Within 40 mins we were called to recovery to a secreaming Declan. Anyway It is nearly a week since his little advendure and it is healing so well. He has been so brave and we only hope we dont have to go through this again LOL.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Wow here we are in 2006. We started off the year with a quiet new years mainly spent at home. It was just soo hot at one point in the night I sat outside listening to the different parties going on around us as I couldnt sleep.
OOh just as I get started the kids are home. They have been playing with the kids over the road. Will post more later.
